dlr Teen Entrepreneur STEM Camp & Hackathon 2018

dlr Teen Entrepreneur STEM Camp & Hackathon 2018.
Our Third STEM initiative for Transition Year students will be held from October to December 2018.
Teachers should APPLY BY WEDNESDAY, MAY 9TH (Limited to 15 schools, 4 students per school).

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Libraries and Local Enterprise Office Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (LEO DLR) are delighted to host a third Student TY Entrepreneur Learning Camp in STEM subjects (Science, Techology, Engineering and Maths) for Transition Year students this autumn. 
This year's camp will also feature a STEM Hackathon on the theme of 'Assisted Living' and is supported and funded by Science Foundation Ireland. The venue is again the dlrLexIcon LAB, a space which offers programmes on coding, computer programming, 3D printing, robotics and other creative technologies to people of all ages. The camp consists of weekly sessions running from October to November 2018 and will include Workshops; Guest Entrepreneurs and Project Maker Days. The project will culminate in a Show and Share Event in November 2018 at which participants will demonstrate their projects to school peers and community members. 
In December a two day Hackathon will involve 60 participants from the Camp, develping project involving STEM elements on the theme of 'Assisted Living'.  
dlr Libraries and dlr LEO would like to achnowledge the support and funding provided by Science Foundation Ireland Discover Fund 2017.  For more information please contact Maeve McElligott, dlr Libraries librarybookings@dlrcoco.ie

dlr TY Entrepreneur STEM Camp participants 2017
