dlr Teen Entrepreneur STEM Camp & Hackathon 2018

dlr Teen Entrepreneur STEM Camp & Hackathon 2018

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Libraries  and Local Enterprise Office DLR, are delighted to host our third Entrepreneur Learning Camp in STEM (Science, Techology, Engineering and Maths) for Transition Year students this autumn with the addition of a STEM Hackathon. This year's camp and hackathon is kindly supported by Science Foundation Ireland and is free for participants. The programme will once again be facilitated by Dr. Jake Rowan Byrne (TCD).

The venue, dlr LexIcon LAB, offers programmes on coding, computer programming, 3D printing, robotics and other creative technologies. The camp’s weekly sessions from October to November 2018 will include; Workshops, Guest Entrepreneurs and Project Maker Days; culminating in a Show and Share Event. The programme is cross curricular and relevant to: Applied Maths Curriculum; Business/Enterprise, Science Subjects, Art and Design; Mechanical Drawing; Technology and Engineering; Career Guidance.  
Our first dlr TY STEM Hackathon follows in early December.

Camp Objectives
·      To familiarise participants  with STEM using coding, basic electronics, robotics and design software
·      Develop STEM skills using new creative technology
·      Promote problem-solving skills
·      Encourage entrepreneurial skills
·      Foster teamwork, collaboration and learning from work

Workshop Topics
·      Coding; Scratch, Python and Ardunio
·      Electronics and programming; Raspberry Pi and Arduino
·      3D  Design and Printing; CAD
·      Prototyping; Design thinking and paper prototyping

Learning Outcomes
·      Acquire basic coding skills for developing apps and controlling computer systems
·      Learn how to design and print simple 3D objects using CAD
·      Develop understanding of how new  technologies provide solutions to everyday problems   
·      Apply problem-solving skills using coding and electronics  
·      Appreciate the relevance of STEM to career options including enterprise creation  
·      Develop communication, collaboration and presentation skills
The four workshops are student-centred with an active learning pedagogy marrying theory and practice.  To complete the learning cycle student teams will be challenged to develop a project to integrate and apply their learning for sharing at a final presentation event with their peers.

CAMP PROGRAMME 2018   (Schools divided into 2 Groups due to numbers)

4th   October
Week 1
Workshop 1: Coding, Scratch & Java
11th October
Week 2
Workshop 2: Electronics & programming; Raspberry Pi & Arduino
18th October
Week 3
Workshop 3: 3D Design and Printing; CAD
25th October
Week 4
Workshop 4: Prototyping; Design thinking and paper prototyping
Mid Term: 28th October to  3rd November 2017
8th  November
Week 5
Guest Entrepreneur: The Business Plan
14th & 15th November
Week 6
Maker Days: Group 1 (10.00am to 3.30pm)
21st & 22nd November
Week 7
Maker Days: Group 2 (10.00am to 3.30pm)
29th November
Week 8
Showcase of Projects and Camp event  (10:00 am to 3:00 pm)

Supported and Funded by  Science Foundation Ireland Discover Programme (2017)
