dlr TY STEM Entrepreneur Hackathon on 'Assisted Living'


Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Public Libraries and Local Enterprise Office DLR are organizing a Transition Year Student Hackathon on the theme of Assisted Living on Friday evening 7th and Saturday 8th December in dlr LexIcon with 60 students from local schools. The facilitator is Dr Jake Rowan-Byrne from TCD. We have been running a TY STEM Entrepreneur Camp for 3 years and are very excited to host and organize our first student hackathon, which this year is kindly supported by Science Foundation Ireland.

Draft Programme:
Friday 7th December   6.00pm - 8.00pm
6.00 – 7.00 Advocates from 3 specialist organisations/research areas to make presentations on specific issues and technology available to those in need of assisted living.

7.00 – 8.00 Participants to break up into teams (approx. 12 teams x 5 members) and select a theme based on the issues raised. They will then have an opportunity to discuss the issue with the advocates in more detail.

Student teams will be working on their projects from 9am to 5pm on Saturday 8th December using the technologies in the dlr LexIcon Lab such as 3D printing, coding, and robotics.

Saturday 8th Dec  9.00am - 5.00pm
9.00am– 5.00pm Teams work on their projects, using the technologies in the Lab such as 3D printing, coding, and robotics. They can consult experts in the meeting rooms on technical and business presentation issues during the day. Lunch and refreshments will be made available.

5.00pm – 6.00pm Meal break and set up of presentations in Studio.

6.00pm – 7.00pm Teams make their “pitch” to the 3 judges– 5 minutes each.

7.00pm – 8.00pm Judges confer and make decision. Prize is awarded to winning team. Prizes are: 3 x mentoring sessions for the team with an entrepreneur (courtesy of LEO DLR) and  an Arduino for each member of the team.

Advocates have an open invite to attend the team presentations and judging ceremony on Saturday 8th December between 6pm and 8pm. Prizes such as mentoring sessions with an entrepreneur (courtesy of LEO DLR) and Arduino kits will be awarded to the winning team.

The hackathon will be an informal event, with the emphasis on creative thinking, collaborative working and finding workable solutions to real problems raised by the issues affecting those in need of assisted living.  We don’t expect to have actually solved a problem by the end of the hackathon but to have raised awareness among young people and to focus on problem solving learning.

Below are links to two hackathons that have addressed similar themes: 

Supported  by  Science Foundation Ireland Discover Programme (2017)

Images by: Peter Cavanagh
