dlr Teen Entrepreneur STEM Camp 2018 is underway!

Last Thursday, our 2018 STEM Camp got off to a lively and productive start with 60 TY students learning about Scratch, Arduino, and coding. The sessions, led by Dr. Jake Rowan Byrne, started with an introduction to the concepts of business and entrepreneurial skills, creative thinking and teamwork. He then took the students through computing, coding and how technology is part of everyday life (they even learned how washing machines work!) and gave them the task of creating a sprite animation through Scratch, which proved to be fun and absorbing.

We asked the students to give their impression of week 1 and here is some of their feedback.

Alex, Ella & Emer enjoyed learning how to use Scratch and mBlock, and felt their biggest achievement was making the LED light. 

Teamwork, communication and setting out accurate instructions was a big part of the learning curve for all the teams. Kate, Cian & Kate enjoyed working as a team, learning how to write instructions for the other groups to follow as well as following the instructions made by others. Their biggest achievement was getting Arduino to work! 

Shawn, Grace, Aoife & Ellen also enjoyed creating their team (and getting to know each other), as did Amy, Naoise & Slobadon, as well as learning how to programme a machine and their introduction to Scratch coding.

Reflecting on the first session, the students were, overall, very happy with what they achieved and what they learned, and are aiming to further improve their communication, creative thinking and coding skills.

This week, they will be working with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, learning more about electronics and programming. Check back soon to see what creations they develop!
